Quicksilver Formulas ~ 24 October 2013

Back in early October, quicksilver formulas reached to the forefront of our consciousness, whether of the conscious, subconscious, unconscious, preconscious, superconscious, megaconscious, uberconscious or metroconscious variety. Verbal reckoning suggests all those derivations are necessary as the quicksilver formula began with Mercury aligning with Saturn in Scorpio. Words matter. You know how fussy words are... actually it’s more people’s reaction to words, but still words, and their usage, matter.

Some complain of being smattered by life right now, regardless if smattered is a real word. Best efforts are being rejected. It seems extra hard to be heard. Pitches bring smiles and head nods but no requests for additional information or promises of funding. Others roll their eyes when a person discusses their latest victories (or failures) in life. Those who change their mind when standing at the precipice of getting what they asked to receive completely lose credibility, and they misinterpret their indecision as rejection. The TV show SharkTank can bring this point home. Watch how people glitch and hiccup when confronted with opportunities that do not fit word for word with concepts held in the mind and yet advance their aspirations.

It should be noted that now we deal with a reasonably common Mercury retrograde. Soon, Jupiter turns retrograde, often causing folks to feel opportunities are slipping away. That’s never the case. It’s the “rip this thing apart and make it better” editing phase that Jupiter retrograde slaps onto all projects perceived to be in a state of perfection. And when Jupiter in Cancer retrogrades on November 6th, he’ll be heading back toward another trine to Saturn in Scorpio. The planet of expansion and the planet of contraction thus form an angle of perfect systolic/diastolic harmony. That’s very cool... and supportive of all progressive efforts.

Further, in December, the least likely planet to go retrograde, Venus, does just that in 58 days. While workable to those aware of the pattern, collectively it can be a little funk. In 128 days, on March 1st, the second least likely planet to retrograde, Mars, does so. Again, with insight and awareness the reversal of course is manageable. As 2013 winds down and 2014 begins, there are funky energies to navigate.

What’s a person to do? Get up. Dust off and while dusting, brush away hurt feelings, resentment, pride and envy. Then and only then, can the reach to the proverbial bootstraps yield truly successful repositioning. And how those quicksilver formulas might come in handy.

To aid in this process and to follow up with the previous SkyScraping, here are some bullet point blips for using quicksilver (which is Mercury, after all) formulas to shake off recent setbacks and make something out of this year yet, dang it.

November 1st. Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun.

But wait! There’s more! Not only is Mercury conjunct the Sun from Earth’s point of view. From the Sun’s solar system perspective, the Earth, Mercury and Sun align.

Fill out applications, paperwork, and get on with writing new pitches and proposals focusing on real world details. It’s a day, and only a day, when amazing results can be achieved with clear, direct, intentionally pointed communications. Glitches can be sorted. Lost ground gets filled in.

November 3. Mercury retrograde conjunct the lunar north node.

But wait! There’s more! This is also the day Ceres enters Libra.

First, the Ceres part: Ceres, when things didn’t go her way threw a temper tantrum fit for the queen of bitchiness. She threatened to cut off her nose and spite her face, and in so doing, ruin everything for everyone. Not the best strategy. Now dealing with the diplomatic doctrines of Libra, she takes a breath before spewing, reexamines her big picture objective, and then sets about draining the swamp while positions herself such that she is not surrounded by alligators as the objective completes.

A review of any goal setting that occurred on or about October 5th is step one. This is when Mercury aligned with the directional beacon of the north node. The goals may have been well meaning, but not as clear as they need to be. The intent and emotion behind those objectives changed as soon as the words were declared. Now, it’s simple. Refocus the objectives of the previous month, enhancing, improving and resetting the vision of nirvana reaching those goals should create. Then, stand by. These objectives, too, will change.

November 6. Jupiter turns retrograde.

Though editing, clarifying and improving any project in progress is annoying and frustrating, it is essential. While you’re at it, tweak terms and conditions such that all involve benefit from enhanced understanding and improvement of the agreement in place.

November 10. Mercury resumes prograde motion.

True, the days around Mercury’s station can be a bit muddled. Stay focused. Create for yourself a meddle-free mental zone. Do not engage in distractions, distortions or misdirections. Aim high in steering as the old driver’s education adage endorsed. You might get a sneak peak of what’s over the next horizon.

November 19. Mercury conjunct the lunar north node.

No excuses. You’ve taken the course you’ve taken. If you realize that the light from the beacon of the north node may have been weirdly refracted by swamp gas, correct your course... without talking it blue in the face. Decide and go. If your mental check list is checked off, rethinking the checklist does not further. How many times can you check to see if your phone’s alarm clock is properly set to rouse you in ample time for your big pitch tomorrow? How many times can you go over fact checked details? According the Mercury, three (Mercury must go around the Sun three times for both sides of its surface to receive full solar illumination).

November 25. Mercury conjunct Saturn.

You are your own deal maker. Be clear. Be direct. Follow up on all actions promised in a timely manner. Stay current and focused. What do you do when you get the green light of advancement in life? You go. You check for clear directions. You put your foot on the accelerator. And you deal with the speed bumps, potholes and detours with attentive awareness, optimism and the quicksilver clarity that this is the thing you are intended to be doing with your life.

More soon!